

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Just About ME....

Nothing Special....

So, I started out blogging back in May...  Yet, the past couple of months it's become more of a job instead a labor of love.  Sometimes you get so caught up in doing stuff you just kinda forget to sit back and enjoy it all.

I'm sure anyone who spends any time with me online knows that I've had some real personal struggles to overcome through the years.  I've definitely got what's known as an addictive personality.  So, whenever I start a new "thing", I really am all gung ho about it until one day it just fades away or I just stop...  I get burnt out...

CASE IN POINT:  Painting...

Last year I was obsessed with painting!  That's ALL I did, I probably accumlated about $1000 worth of painting supplies in about a six month time frame.  My family would laugh at me huddled on my coach sitting and painting little figurines...  I painted a beautiful plate for Christmas, I mean I loved putting the little detailing, all of it...  Then one day, I looked at my paint and it just made me tired.  It had become such a chore to clean off a spot and then once I got all my supplies gathered up, I was usually too tired to do anything else.


That's what I have a really hard time with.  I struggle so much with getting so focused on one thing that everything else gets neglected.  I don't even hardly cook anymore.  I wake up and I'm checking my emails...  I'm networking online...  I'm sending out emails, I'm opening packages, I'm doing videos....  I get so absorbed in what I'm doing sometimes I look up and it's already 8:00 and I'm like WHERE did the day go!  Seriously!  

Working from home is a great thing, but it's also a curse.  Because your ALWAYS at work.  I always thought that if I worked from home, I'd not be discplined enough to actually DO WORK...  Yet, I find that's ALL I do.  Even when I'm not working my mind is racing with things I need to do or companies I need to contact... What reviews need to be done...

I need to learn how to balance.  I need to get a schedule and stick with it.  UNPLUG... Gosh, I woke up the other morning without internet, phone or TV and I was freaking out.  I thought my world had literally just come to and end!  I am so dependent upon the internet that it really does scare me about what happens if it becomes obsolete.

Your Thoughts:

How do you balance your life?  I really need to find good ways of balancing my life.  Do you ever get obsessed with one thing and then one day find your just burnt out??  

Well IF you have made it this far, THANKS so much for once again not falling asleep with my posts....  I really am amazed when I look at my numbers and there are actually people who come visit!  LOL  


  1. This is a tough one. I'm very much the same way, so I understand completely. When I start a project, I am full out until I'm done. Half the time (or more) this means I leave something incomplete. I've accepted this about my personality. I know in advance that I am going to be this way, and maybe that's OK. My problem is that I get so passionate about multiple things at once that I have trouble juggling doing them all. Balance is REALLY tough. I've had to set limits for myself. I LOVE Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but I limit myself to only going to the early morning class. When I get home from work, I try not to check my work email, and instead go to the kitchen to work on my cooking project. It's tough, but think about setting yourself a schedule and try to keep to it. It's partially working for me, but honestly I don't think people like us will ever be able to truly balance anything.

  2. Well, I believe I am most DEF ADD, yet it wasn't that wide spread when we were in high school ! And I don't have the "hyperactivity" part of it, so it's hard to really diagnose a girl. But in studying about ADD when my son was diagnosed I was like OH MY GOSH this is me! The symptoms for girls are vastly different than those of boy's symptoms.... We are daydreamers caught up in our own world.

    For years I struggled with "normal" jobs, I'd just get bored doing whatever it was and just stop going to work LOL Or quit.... And that was way before I had any umm.... issues... That's why I think I've finally found something that can hold my interest because it's everchanging and if I get bored with one thing I can focus on something else....

    I do NEED to find a way to make a schedule and stick with it. I've found I'm wonderful at making lists, it's um sticking with it I've found to be the hard part. I get so zoned into whatever I'm doing I will forget to cook for my family or even eat. I don't realize until my stomach is growling like crazy that oh I need to eat....

    Thanks so much for reading! I was like OH WOW, cool he read my blog :)
