

Friday, October 31, 2014

Love With Food: October Unboxed a SassyHolidays Gift Idea

Love With Food

SassyHolidays Gift Ideas:  Edible

Love With Food:  October Unboxed

First Box is FREE:

Love with Food is a monthly subscription service.  The cost is $12 (If you pay monthly) or just $10 if you pay for the whole year!  They deliver 8-12 snacks to your door EVERY month!  They are healthy snacks!  They also have a Deluxe option in which you get DOUBLE the snack goodies!!  They also have just recently added a Gluten Free Box, for those who prefer Gluten Free Snacks!

My Referral Link for Love with Food Your FIRST box is FREE!!!!

October Unboxed....

The thing I LOVE about Love with Food, is it truly does expand my horizons food wise.  I am such a picky eater....  I almost have an aversion to health food...  If I know it is "Good For Me", I'm likely to NOT like it!!  However, since I've joined Love with Food, I've discovered that healthy eating doesn't mean gross eating...  It can really be tasty! Now, I don't love everything..  There are some items where I'm like uh... Not for me....  

Claire's Squares:

ClairesSquares:  Butter ShortbreadThis was a really YUMMY treat!  We added another of the October LWF items on top (the Justin's Chocolate Almond Butter) and it really was delish!!!

NutryVitta:  Cinnamon & Sugar Banana Bar

NutryVittaThis was one of those, um... not for me moments...  This just wasn't my cup of tea so to speak...  I just didn't really like the flavor....

Surf Sweets:  Organic Jelly Beans

Surf Sweets Jelly Beans Surf Sweets on Twitter

I, personally am not a Jelly Bean person...  However, Callie seemed to enjoy these.  I prefer like Gummy Bears or something.. I was really stoked until I saw these were Jelly Beans.. Oh well, you can't win them all...

Justin's Almond ButterJustin's Almond Butter: Chocolate & Honey

These were probably my favorite item in the whole box.  They really were delicious.  I had never tried Almond Butter before and found that it really has a nice texture and flavor!

This was one of the I LOVE MY LOVE WITH FOOD box moments!  These are what having this sub is all about, finding a new item that you will cherish and stalk after....

Connect to Justin's:Justin's on Twitter

J & M Cheese Straws

These aren't my favs...  I love cheese bits but these just really aren't for me.  I'm sure most subscribers LOVED them....  Just not me....

Famous Falafel Chips

 Famous Brands:  Organic Falafel Chips

These were another tasty addition to the October box that I was truly pleased with!  They are so flavorful!  They have a spicy kick to them!  I've never had "Falafal" anything, but I definitely will be looking for "Falafal" now!!

Snapea Crisps by Calbee:

I had previously received a bag of these from Swaggable and I have to say they are not tasty to me.  I just don't get the big deal behind these.  However, I have many friends who seem to truly enjoy them...

See, there is me and my picky eating habits giving me a headache!!!  I am sure that it's just because of my pickiness that I don't like them....


True, this box was hit and miss for me.  But, I still found three items that I really and truly LOVED!  That's what it's all about to me.  It's about discovering new tasty snacks that you might never have had the opportunity to try otherwise.  It was through Love with Food that I discovered, Madyson's Marshmallows!!

You probably aren't going to like EVERYTHING you get in this box if you subscribe, but I truly do recommend getting it if you love snacking and want to try to find some healthy alternatives!  Our family is NOT health crazy, but we have loved these boxes and always have a few items that we just fall in love with each month!  Last month it was the Cinnamon Popcorn that LWF distributed... Sad thing is I can't find them on their site and I truly did LOVE that popcorn!!

Gift Idea:

This would make an AWESOME gift idea for someone you love!  You can save money and purchase a year subscription and it can be the gift that keeps on giving all year long!  

My YouTube Love with Food Unboxing....

Get your FIRST box FREE!!

Just click the pic below and sign up today!!

Love With Food - Snack Smart. Do Good.

1 comment:

  1. Food is my language and those snacks look pretty yummy. Thanks for sharing your box.


