

Friday, October 24, 2014

World Vision: Giving Back Review + GIVEAWAY

World Vision:  Spoons

Giving Back this Season:

In the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season it's so easy to get caught up in the materialistic aspects of the season.  With so many things needing to be done, there are decorations that must be bought or made...  There is endless amounts of lists, shopping, meal planning, traveling...  We all, even those of us whom don't really have endless amounts of events to go to, still get caught up in the preperations of it all... 

However, it's important to remember the REASON for the season.  Christmas is about much more than the newest XBox or iPad or iPhone.  It's more than just buying loads of presents.  It's about remembering the ultimate gift that was given.  That gift was second chances.  I'm definitely the result of fifth and sixth chances.  Those who know me personally, know that I'm a survivor but I've not had it easy.  I've had to climb through the trenches....  If it weren't for God's love and his grace and mercy and his precious gift of life to us, I wouldn't have made it where I am.

So, it's important to find ways in which you can give back to those who are less fortunate than you.  I know sometimes I struggle to even provide a Christmas for my kids sometimes, but I try to look for small ways of helping someone less fortunate than myself out.

World Vision:

Most of you probably have heard of World Vision.  They are a Christian non-profit who helps the less forunate around the globe through countless ways.  One of which is through child sponsorship among other types of ways you can help out.  Click Here to find out all the different ways that you can reach out and help other's through the World Vision Organization!

Giving & Receiving:

World Vision Spoons:  in the bag
World Vision also has ways in which you can help others while also receiving some beautiful items as well.  They have a huge selection of gorgeous gifts and items, making it possible to help others while also marking off some needed gift items for your Christmas list!  So do some Christmas shopping while helping others, WHAT COULD BE BETTER!  Checkout their beautiful selection of unique gifts here.  From beautiful jewelry pieces to stunning scarves they offer a little bit of everything for the loved ones on your Christmas Shopping List!

Beautiful Handcarved Spoons

World Vision:  Giving Back

Wooden Spoons

I am in love with these spoons.  I was so impressed by the quality of them when I received them.  For starters, they come in this beautiful litttle bag which can easily be used to keep your toilitries or whatever you may need inside it!  Then the detailing on the spoons themselves is so absolutely stunning!  These would make such a wonderful gift for the cook in your life.  Although, honestly I can't imagine actually USING them because they are so gorgeous!  I would be so terrified to mess them up!


Love these spoons?  Want a chance to win them yourself??  Enter for your chance to win some now!

World Vision: Spoons


  1. I LOVE anything and All things made out of wood! Now I want to go read more about where this wood is from and what kind it is! Thank you so much!

  2. These are the coolest things ever!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. love the IG book! thanks for the opportunity to win it!
