

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Excelerol: Brain Supplements

Please Note:  This Post Contains Affiliate Links

on Amazon

Excelerol: Brain Supplements 

What They Are:

Excelerol is a brain supplement that help with Memory, Concentration, and Alertness.

Ingredients: (These were taken from the Amazon Description:)
Vitamin B 12,Niacin (as Niacinamide),Guarana Extract,Kola Nut Extract,DMAE,Acetyl L-Carnitine Bacoppa Monnieri Extract,Peppermint Oil,Tulsi (Holy Basil) Extract,Green Tea Extract,Gingko Biloba Extract,Rhodiola Extract,Phosphatidylserine,L-Tyrosine,White Tea Extract,Black Tea Extract,Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine,Citicoline,Huperzine Extract, and Vinpocetine .

Testing Out The BRAIN PILLS:

So, growing up I was always just thought of as a flighty kid.  One who was classified as a "daydreamer", ADD wasn't as widely recognized as it is today.  I have always had a hard time focusing on one task for long periods of time.  I get bored extremely easily.  I also tend to get bored in a job or a hobby and move on to find something else.  I now know that I suffer from ADD and quite honestly, with each passing year it becomes harder and harder to manage. 

I start one task and while I'm in the middle of it, think of fifty other things that need to be done and so I stop doing the orginal task and move onto another task.  It can take all day for me to get a single review done because of this.  So, when I had the opportunity to try these pills, I had to go for it.  I truly do suffer and my life is interrupted by the ADD and not being properly medicated makes it almost impossible to live a "normal" life.

So, I have to say that while this definitely isn't a true to life substitute for ADD meds, it is a good contender.  I have tried countless over the counter supplements to try and alleviate some of the symptoms of my ADD and without any success.

While, I didn't experience a "Magic Pill" effect, these truly have helped me increase concentration.  I find, I have to eat something prior or get a "sick" feeling.  That's always been my biggest problem with products such as this.  I always find that I get real jittery, but with these if I only take one at a time and maybe another a couple of hours later I don't feel that "Anxious" feeling that some pills like these will make you feel.

These carry a hefty price tag, but when you think about how many you are getting, if you only take one a day, then you're essentially paying only $1 a pill.  If you are like me and you truly suffer from memory issues or concentration it wouldn't hurt to give it a try if you have the funds to do so!  It has helped me, although I find myself with headaches while taking it.

In Summary:

While I have definitely see the benefits from having taken these, our bodies are so uniquely different and we all react differently to different ingredients, chemicals, etc.  So what might work for me, might not work for the next person.  That's why there are so many different types of pills for any type of ailment, because our body chemistry's are so weird.  But, if you are truly suffering and it's as bad as mine, I would say that if you can, give these a try!  They are by far the best over the counter meds or supplement for "Brain" that I've yet to try!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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