

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NatureBox: Discovering a NEW food sub to me....


NatureBox is a monthly subscription service.  They send you healthy snack items. You have a "pantry" in which you can choose which snacks you will get or you can choose to be surprised each month!

The cost is $19.99 per month, unless you have an invitation (By Email only) and then your first box is free.  Or you can click on a referral link and save you and the person who referred you $10!

My NatureBox:

So, I don't have many pictures....  I know really weird....  But, I did an unboxing and I dug in and ate them before I even thought about taking pictures.

I had a friend invite me through email and so my first box was compltely free.  I may have had to pay a little for shipping, I don't remember.  However, I know whatever I paid wasn't near $20.  And I absolutely LOVED the snacks I chose.

NatureBox:  Mango Chews

Mango Chews

I originally had chosen these watermelon chews, but they were out of them and so I had to make another choice.. I chose the Melon Chews in their place...

Acai Berry Crunch

These are a granola option I chose.  While it probably is meant for things like cereal or Yogurt, I have actually eaten them by hand.

They are really good.  They have a nice and sweet flavor!  A little hard on the teeth, but extremely tasty and worth it.

Now, I need to buy some Greek yogurt so I can use them as a Topping!!!

SunShine Chips

These were an extra snack I was sent and I have to say, that I'm glad that I didn't choose these....  

They are OK, if I was starving and there wasn't another bit of food for me to eat I'd eat them.  They are pretty tough and they don't have much flavor.  They just are kinda bland.

Wouldn't be picked for another box, that's for sure.

 Peanut Butter Nom Noms

These were a snack my daughter picked out.  They are pretty tasty.  She allowed me to take a little nibble.  They are pretty sweet and for her to love them tells me that they don't taste like they are "healthy", as she's like her mother a very picky eater.

So, I'm sure if I continue this subscription, she will be all about the Nom Noms!

Guacaomole Bites

These are AWESOME...  They are so extremely Flavorful!  They just taste really good.

They have a bit of spice or something to them.. They have a bit of a kick.  I've found that they are really good when you crush them up on top of a salad.  It gives your salad a bit of crunch and an added layer of flavor!  

These would definitely be picked AGAIN...

No Picture:  Strawberry Chews....

So, I don't have a pictures of these, because they are already gone...  But, they were so delicious.  They weren't too chewy for me and my absyml teeth!  They had these little rice pieces inside of them, do it added a little crunch but the flavor was really nice!  Clearly, I loved it, if I've eaten it already!!  You can see them on my Unboxing Video!!


I really enjoyed this.  I don't know if I can afford to keep this subscription.  I just can't keep them all and I need to find areas to cut back.  I already didn't pick a Birchbox Plus Item this month!  But, if money were NO OBJECT, this would definitely be a service that I'd be happy to get.  They shipped extremely quickly!  I was shocked when this box arrived at my home! 

Would you Like to Give NatureBox a try??

If you would like an invite to try NatureBox email me here: Email SassyGalBeauty.  Please put NatureBox Request in the subject line and I'll send you an email for your free box.  Only three can be given out monthly and so PLEASE only email if you really think you will use it!

Watch My Unboxing:

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