

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Last Minute Gift Ideas: Markwins Nail Dryer / A Walmart Exclusive Item!

Markwins Nail Dryer: A Walmart Exclusive
Markwins Nail Dryer: Exclusively Sold At Walmart!

Last Minute Gifts:

If you are ANYTHING like myself and probably a hundred thousand other Christmas Shoppers, while your intentions have been good you still have managed to forget a couple of items.  Well, I am here to SAVE the day.... Over the course of the next week, I'm going to be finding some great last minute additions you can add to your Christmas Gift Buying list!!


NAIL DRYER: Sold Exclusively at a Walmart near you!

So, I'm sure you've likely made the dreaded trip to Walmart at least a dozen times and battled the crowds.  While you were there, you likely were so overwhelmed by the crowds and getting in and out that you likely overlooked some fabulous gifts that Walmart has to offer!

Among those fabulous gifts is this Nail Dryer, made by the folks at Markwins (also those folks who made the One Direction Make-up sets!).  This is a pretty nifty little set that girls of just about ANY age is going to love to get on Christmas morning!
These little kits come in a variety of colors as well as different offerings as well.  They also have some kits that have polish along with some nail art supplies as well!  Among being a fun product for the holidays, it also is sure to be decently priced as well!!

I know that I can't wait until Christmas time and my daughter opens this little kit up and we get to polishing our nails!  I am DYING to try the gorgeous turquoise that is in my little kit!!

My Thoughts...

Well, it's a little hard to really say since I've not actually used the product.  However, I think it's a super cute thing, I've always seen little sets like this and wanted to try them!  I know it's going to be something my daughter uses quite often as she's obsessed

Get You Some:

Head now to your local Walmart and find this and other fabulous items like the makeup kits called #FlashMob as well!  

Please Note:  This product was given to me for review purposes as part of a BrandBacker campaign.

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