

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

NuvoCig: E-Cig / Vapo Review

NuvoCig.com Deluxe Vaporizer Kit

**I received this product for review purposes!**

Visit NuvoCig.com to purchase your own kit!

NuvoCig Deluxe Kit

NuvoCig: Large Cigarette Battery
This is the Large Battery with a Cartomizer Attached
So, this is probably one of the most awesome items I've had the privilege to have reviewed.  As a smoker, I receive a lot of stares and a lot of judgements made against me in my personal life.  Now, had I known everything I know now about the health risks associated with cigarette smoking, I would think that I probably wouldn't have ever picked up a cigarette in my life.

However, since a time travel machine hasn't yet been invented that i know of, all I can do is move forward in my life.  I've been dying to find a healthier solution to my nasty  habit and so when this opportunity presented itself, I have to say that I was thrilled.

Unboxing the Deluxe Kit:

  • Two Small Batteries
  • A Wall Plug
  • A USB plug
  • 1 package of Cartomizers (5 pk you choose your flavor & Strength)
NuvoCig.Com Deluxe Kit
Pls Note:  The second small battery isn't shown because my husband had it at the time....
So, I received the Deluxe kit as well as the bigger battery for review.  I've now had this about a month and so I've had plenty of time to play with it and really see what I love and what I don't love about this device.

** The Cartomizers come in a HUGE variety of flavors as well as strengths!  You can choose from non-nicotine, light, medium, high and super high strengths!  They have flavors ranging from strawberry all the way to flavors like Cappuccino.  They almost assuredly have a flavor you will love!  My personal favorite so far is the Vanilla!

My Thoughts:

So, while I do love this, I've still been unable to fully stop smoking.  I don't know if it's a mind thing or if I perhaps need a stronger cartomizer.  Although, I have about the strongest levels you can receive.  I received five different flavors all with the "High" strength level.  I don't know if I can't taste the flavors because I didn't put down my nicotine cigarettes for a long time before trying this.

I received:  Watermelon, Cappuccino, Coffee, Vanilla and Regular High flavors.  The only flavor that I truly could taste was the Vanilla, but I was completely out of cigarettes when I was using this flavor and so I really don't know if that's the reason or what...  I wish that I could happily report that I had put my cigarettes down, unfortunately I can't say that I have.

My husband however, seems to really prefer this to his cigarettes and could probably put the cigarettes down altogether once we are able to order some additional cartomizers.  

Small Battery VS Large Battery

NuvoCig Deluxe Kit PLUS Large BatterySo, I received in addition to the Deluxe Kit a Large Battery as well.  You can DEFINITELY tell a HUGE difference between the two batteries.  For starters, I first charged my Large Battery on Thanksgiving weekend and used it occassionally all month and when I went to use the Large Battery it still had a bit of juice even three weeks later (Now, this was only using it occassionally).  However, I was still impressed that this was able to hold a charge for that long!

The smaller battery I like because it doesn't require you to push a button you just inhale and BAM instant gratification.  The larger battery you must press the button in order to "smoke".  However, it's not that huge of a deal, but it does take some getting used to.  The smaller battery also lights up at the end kinda making you feel like you are smoking a real cigarette, but the charge doesn't hold for NEAR as long as the larger battery charge lasts.

I also imagine that the smaller battery would make your cartomizers last a bit longer since you aren't getting as much "Juice".

If you have ever picked up a vaporizer at your local gas station or tobacco shop, you likely were dealing with having to "pour" liquid inside.  That wasn't the case with this and one thing that i DEFINITELY love about it.  The first experience I ever had with a vaporizer, I broke it immediately because I poured the liquid inside the wrong place.  This is DUMMY Proof!  It was literally so freaking easy to figure out!!


So, overall I love this device.  Have I put down my cigarettes for good?  No, but that's nothing to do with how good of a device this is and more of the mentality I have with my unhealthy attachment to lighting my cigarettes....  The price tag is really decent for what this is.  The cartomizers also are very competitive when compared to the price tag of your cigarettes!  If you are looking for an alternative to tobacco smoking I would definitely recommend the NuvoCig as a great place to start!

Watch My YouTube Tutorial:

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