

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Reason For the Season: Getting Back to The Basics

Christmas 2014

Back to Basics:

You know, with Christmas right around the corner, things are quite hectic.  There's last minute shopping that needs to be done.  There just DOESN'T seem to be enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done.
As we approach Christmas amongst all of this bevy of activity, last night I watched a touching video on YouTube, that made me realize in the hustle and bustle of it all I've lost my sight on what this season is all about.  It's about first, being given the ultimate gift: Life.  What a precious and wonderful thing to be gifted.  Sacrifices are often made at this time of year and it's touching to watch other's reaching out to those in need.

Our family has been amazingly blessed in the past few years.  I didn't have custody of my children for quite some time.  Then, through God's grace and mercy and a few very supportive people, I was able to turn things around and January two years ago I was granted full custody of my children.

Although things definitely aren't easy, we are truly blessed.  We've faced countless struggles within these past two years and still everyday it feels as if it's something new.  From being without a vehicle and having to pay for rides, to struggling to make ends meet.  We're never short of obstacles.

One thing that I can say though, we have each other.  Come what may, despite the challenges that we are faced with, we still are a family.  We are an imperfect family to be for sure, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

We've been thorougly blessed this year with so many things and people and for that I'm thankful.

I know that I've not been posting quite as much, but times are hard and it might take me awhile to get back to where I can be more consistent.  Thank you for your support, it means the world.

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