

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Glassblower Series: Best of Kindle Unlimited Series

SassyGalReads: Kindle Unlimited Books

Kindle Unlimited:  Best Books

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*The Books Featured in this post are Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers Or Can be Purchased for their regular retail price.

**  For Amazon Prime Members:  These books are available in Kindle Lending Library

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The Glassblower (Book 1)

Genre:  Historical Fiction
Author:  Petra Durst Benning
The Glassblower Series features Three Books in the Series.


Historical Background:  Glassblower is set in historical Germany in a little town called Lauscha.  Lauscha is a real town in which glassblowing was first created.  Commercial glassblowing made it's appearance in the 1840's.  Christmas Glass balls first made it onto the scene in 1848 and helped to save the small village of Lauscha from economic demise.

The Glassblower:  While the Glassblower is definitely a work of fiction, I believe that Ms. Benning definitely did her homework on the history of the Christmas ornaments that began it's provenance in the village of Lauscha.  The Glassblower centers around the family of Joseph Steinmann and his three daughters.  A tad reminiscent of Little Women, Joseph Steinmann's daughter's have led a somewhat privileged life and have been wonderfully sheltered from much of the realities of life.  So, when Joseph Steinmann dies, the girls are a little unprepared for how to survive without the income that Joseph Steinmann was bringing in.  Together, they will have to learn to stand on their own two feet.

Johanna, is the eldest Steinmann and the most practical.  Ruth, the middle daughter is more of a romantic.  Ruth's mind is filled with visions of finding a husband and starting a family.  Then we have Marie, the baby of the family.  As the baby, in many ways, Marie feels as if her voice is never heard and feels a little unseen.

The sisters find work at a local competitor, yet they are barely making enough money to keep food on the table all month long.  Johanna, who has always had a strong mind and a good head on her shoulders loses her temper along with her job.  Now with nothing to lose she makes a decision that will both help to shape the rest of her life as well as one that will haunt her for years to come.

Marie, who was always mesmerized by watching her father at his table, in secret starts to piddle with glassblowing.  She hides this activity well from her sister's watchful eyes, for glassblowing is a man's job.  No woman has ever in the history of glass ever sat at a table.  Yet, as Christmas comes to pass, the sister's are amazed and captivated by the glass balls that adorn their tree.  It's a sight they've never seen before and when they discover who it was that created it, their lives will be changed forever.

My Thoughts: I first read The Glassblower by Petra Durst Benning back in February.  I'm not a very big fan of Historical Fiction, yet for some reason I was at loose ends and found this book and decided to give it a try.

Words cannot properly convey how much I loved this story.  I was so immersed and was transported to that little village in Germany.  The writing is so moving that I was able to imagine the little home that the Steinmann sister's shared and visualize each and every piece of glass they lovingly created.

This is a beautiful story that will leave you wanting more.  I was able to quickly devour this book.  Luckily for us, the author continues the story in two other books.

Read The Glassblowers on Amazon:

If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, I urge you to give this book a try!  I just can't say enough wonderful things about it!!

Not a member of Kindle Unlimited?  Not to worry!
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you have the chance to borrow one book each month from the Kindle Lending Library and I'm pretty sure that this includes all of the available books on Kindle Unlimited.

If you are neither an Amazon Prime nor a Kindle Unlimited member, you can always purchase the book for $4.99.  Although, I urge you to consider looking into an Amazon Prime Membership!!

Your Thoughts:

Have you read The Glassblower (Book 1) Series?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this book or if you have a book suggestion, I'd love to hear from you!!

Other books in the Glassblower Series:

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