

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Rebuilding: Life after a Fire

Moving on After a Fire...

Fire 2014 April

My mother and I have had what can only be described as a rocky relationship at best.  However, she's my mom and I love her.  Back in April my son accidentally set her house on fire.  A scary thing to happen to a 15 year old kid...  And the devestation was enoromous...

The window to the room where the fire began....
 The fire began in what was once my bedroom.

My fifteen year old son was smoking a cigarette (He's a kid, who is going to make some mistakes) when the undersiding of the bed caught on fire...

It happened so fast, and he tried to put it out himself, calling 911 instead of calling my parents for help.

Clearly, it was too late.  Instead of leaving down the steps with my stepdad, he waited almost too late and the flames at this point were fully going throughout the whole upstairs.

Luckily, he was able to jump from not this window, but a window on the other side of the house.

Fire / Dining Room
The Dining Room
April 2014 Fire / Kitchen
A view up into the bedroom from the kitchen...

fire / foyer
The upstairs foyer...  You can see part of the roof is gone...

Fire / hallway stairs
The view from the landing on the stairs...
This was a tragic thing that happened.  But, luckily everyone is ok.  My son, hopefully learned a valuable lesson and he's alive and well as are my parents.

They have finally been able to move back in their home.  While they haven't been able to replace everything that was lost, they have started to rebuild their lives.

I am really happy that they now have a new home where new memories can be made.

God can take anything and turn it into a lesson, something that can be learned from and also lives can be healed even through a storm.

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