

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Surpah's Pink Digital Scale: A Review

Please Note:  This Post Contains Affiliate Links

Surpah's Pink Digital Scale: On

Surpah's Digital BMI Scale:

This has to be the prettiest and coolest scale I've ever seen let alone own!  

What it is:

  • Digital Scale
  • BMI:  Calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Four Profiles:  Can save up to four profiles!
  • It is SMART: It turns on when you step on it!

My Thoughts:

Bright Light
I loved this scale!  First, I LOVE pink, they also had them in white but I'm a pink girl and so I opted for the pink option OF COURSE....  I love the digital read out on the scale!  It makes it really easy to see, the numbers are really bright, so you don't have to strain your eyes to try to read it!!  Unlike those OTHER non digital scales where you tried to see is it on the second line before the five or is it the other line....   So confusing!!

Not with this scale!  This scale besides being absolutely gorgeous and a beautiful part of your home, is really functional as well.  I loved that I could set up my profile and tell it how tall I was and walla it figured my BMI from that!  

It even came with batteries, making it a breeze to actually use.  No going and snooping through drawers or stealing batteries from other electronics, this was ready to use straight from the box!  How annoying is it when you get a shiny new toy and go to use it and realize you don't have batteries to put in the dearn thing!  So, I really appreciate anytime a company thinks for us and includes the extra feature of coming with batteries included!
Surpah's Digital Scale

Buy Your Own!


Surpahs Digital Scale: Pink or White

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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