

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

CandiGirl Box Giveaway

A SassyHolidays Gift Idea for Tweens & Teens

CandiGirl Box

What it Is:

A QUARTERLY subscription:  $22/ Quarterly + Shipping ($5 per box)

The last box was in September and the next box will ship in December...  

CandiGirl Box Shipping Schedule: (This is just what I'm assuming is their shipping schedule)

December 2014
March 2015
June 2015
September 2015

A literally CUSTOMIZED Quarterly Subscription Box for your daughter.  When you subscribe, you fill out a Profile Form, similar to a Beauty Profile that you might would fill out for your own Beauty Subscription.

Whether your child is a Girlie Girl, or a bookworm or more artistic, CandiGirl Box will make sure that each box is tailored to her loves...

AGES:  5-12

Those are the recommended ages, but from the pictures that I have seen it's a box that I know my 13  year old would LOVE!  So, I think it's really up to the girl!

A Little Different...

Ok, so unlike most of the reviews and giveaways that I do, I haven't actually had a chance to see this box in action...  Since it's a quarterly box, the next box won't ship until Dec. 5 and so I wanted to give my readers a chance to win their own box...

So, this isn't a review, since I haven't had a box to review !  

I wish that I had more pictures to show you...  However, visit their site and you can get an idea of what to expect!!  I'll update this post as I get some pictures in!

My Take

I know for myself, I have the HARDEST time figuring out a good service for my thirteen year old daughter.  She's thirteen and at that age where she's just so unbelievably hard to buy for.  She loves girlie things, yet she loves her journals, and music...  But, she also sees me getting all of my beauty subscriptions and jewelry and so she's just like OV that stuff, but at the same time she likes to come and raid my goodies...  

So, a service like this that will keep her likes and dislikes in mind when curating a box tailored to her is such an awesome idea.  It's a box that truly gets me excited to think about and wonder what all goodies will be in store!!  

I subscribe to their "Parent" company, Lip Factory, Inc. and I know that I, personally have LOVED everything about the Lip Factory subscription.  They truly seem to try to curate a great box each month!  They also have a wonderful Customer Service and that is always the most important part of any company!  You HAVE to have a great CS or a company likely isn't going to last in the long run.

Connect with CandiGirl Box:

Find out how you can purchase this subscription for your special girl!  The subscription for the Holiday Box will be open soon!!  At $27 every three months, this is a sub you MUST have for your girls!!

Checkout Lip Factory: ( a Monthly Beauty Service for Adults! $22/ monthly)


I'm so excited to be able to offer this giveaway to my readers / followers!  One lucky winner will receive the CandiGirl Holiday Box!

CandiGirl Box CandiGirl Box


  1. I've never heard of CandiGirl Box or Lip Factory, I'm going to have to check box boxes out, thanks for a great giveaway.

  2. I would love to win and check out CandiGirl Box!

  3. You always have the best giveaways!

  4. I just know this is something that would make my niece so happy. Thank you for the chance and good luck to everyone! Thanks!
