

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

GEEK FUEL: Be a TREND setter!

Love Your Subscription Boxes??

I am not usually into going with a new service...  But, I have a great feeling about this service.  After reviewing NerdBlock Original and FALLING in love with it, I'm excited to see a new guy in the game!!

I took my chances with Lip Monthly and while they are still trying to "Find themselves", it hasn't been a sinking ship!  I DID NOT get behind Blue Velveteen, it just didn't seem right and LOOK AT HOW THAT TURNED OUT....  So, NOT that I have a magic ball or anything, but this seems to be a really awesome service!  I don't know if you are aware, but NerdBlock, the service that this MOST resembles to me is a Candian service and I believe that GeekFuel is a US box!  


PLEDGE on Kickstarter today!!!

Be a trendsetter and be part of this new subscription box and feel pride at knowing you HELPED this service get on it's feet...  But there's more than pride that you get with pledging:

  • $15:  Geek Fuel T Shirt
  • $24: and you get ONE monthly box PLUS a Limited Edition Box when they meet their goal!!
  • $66:  Get a THREE month subscription PLUS the LE Box!
  • $126:  Get a SIX month subscription PLUS LE Box PLUS a MYSTERY Gift!
  • $240:  Get a YEAR subscription!!!  PLUS LE Box PLUS 2 Mystery Gifts!

  • GEEK LEGEND:  $1000-  Get FIVE years subscription PLUS LE Box PLUS THREE Mystery Boxes!!!!

Remember:  If they don't meet their goal, you WILL NOT get charged for this!  However, we SO hope that they will meet their goal so we can get this COOL fun box!!!  

I'm just a poor chick in Alabama, but I am so excited about this service, I put my MONEY where my mouth is and pledged $24 so that I can be among the FIRST to get this awesome box!!


Spread the word about this EPIC Kickstarter fund and help get them to their goal!!  Sharing is caring folks!!!!  PLEASE! I want this box!!!!!!

Share this link with your friends and family, spam if you must...  Help make GeekFuel become a reality today!!!

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