

Friday, November 7, 2014

Weather... Seasons Change

SassyGal and Gracie Girl


I apologize...  I have not been posting like I needed to be, I'm so very far behind on doing everything that needs to be done...  I've been waking up with horrible headaches and just feeling horribly all the way around...  NOT FUN...  

I don't know if it's the season changing and this weather causing these massive headaches or what...  But, I'm starting to feel back to myself and hope to once again resume normal postings.. I have tons to bring to y'all and I hope you will all love them!!!

In the Meantime.....

My daughter and I were testing out a new product I have to review and we decided to do an impromptu Exercise Video...

So, for those of you who love Exercise or Dance or Just FUN, here's a video to keep you entertained until I can come up with some great products for you guys to try.....

SassyGal Gets Physical......


Hope you Enjoyed !

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