

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gecko Yoga Mat Bag: New Year's Resolution

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Gecko Yoga Mat Bag

A Part of Sassy's New Year, New You Series

New Year, New You

With the dawning of a New Year about to be upon us, it's a time when many are thinking of things they would like to do better or differently with the start of this new and fresh start.  One of the most popular New Year's Resolutions would probably be weightloss and healthier living.

I know for myself, I truly need to become more active, I remember as a teen my mother telling me that if I wasn't careful my muscles would atrophy and I needed to begin to work out so that I wouldn't lose my "muscle definition".  Now as an adult, I can truly grasp what she meant.  Being a "stay at home mom", I am often times sitting on the computer working for long stretches of time.  I'm ashamed to say that I'm not an overly "active person". 

One of the things that I truly hope to accomplish during the New Year, is to start an exercise routine.  I've received an unusual number of Yoga Towels, etc for review and so I truly have no excuse not to give it a try.  Yoga isn't something I've done yet, but it is on my "I want to do" list.  

Gecko Yoga Mat Bag:

So, the ONE thing I do NOT have as of yet is an actual "Yoga Mat", I have plenty of huge towels that are meant to go OVER the mat, but not the actual mat itself.  This bag is actually made for your Yoga Mat, and so since I don't actually have a "mat", I've just used it for my favorite Yoga Towel.  I will say, that it seems pretty roomy inside.  It also has a pocket on the inside, which I feel would be extremely handy for traveling to work out.

It also is a gorgeous bag!  This bag actually comes in a plain black option as well.  I, however, felt this bag was much prettier with it's lotus flower design emblazoned on it.  It has a pretty long strap, which makes it easy to lug around as well!


I'm assuming that this bag will accomodate most yoga mats.  On that assumption, I have to say that this is a really nice bag and I can't wait until it's actually HOLDING an actual MAT instead of just the Yoga Towels!

Please Note:  I received this product for review purposes.  However, as always, my thoughts and opinions are my own and honest.

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