

Friday, January 2, 2015

Dot & Bo Review: Shopping Site Review

DotAndBo.com Site Review

Please Note:  This Post Contains Affialiate and/or Referral Links

I apologize in advance for how lengthy this post is, I just have so much to say :)


New Year, New You:

With the beginning of a New Year, what better time to start thinking about updating and making changes to your home as well?  We can get ourselves in a "design rut" and have the best intentions of sprucing things up and making them all new and pretty "one day" and sometimes you wake up and realize that it's been fifteen years since you did a "Overhaul" on your bedroom, living room, etc.

Dotandbo.com is a superb site for all your decorating needs!  They have just about anything you could think of when it comes to home decor!!  They also have some fun and quirky items that make fabulous gifts!  I'm telling you, stroll through their site and you will get lost in a neverland of quirky awesomeness!

A Shopper's Dream....

So, many of my readers are probably aware that I am greatly hindered in my ability to freely go places.  Our current transportation is severly lacking.  We are surviving with absolutely no vehicle and so we are dependeant upon the kindness of others to get anywhere.  This can GREATLY impact things such as purchasing gifts, etc.  Thank GOD for the internet and the unlimited possibilities of shopping online.

I'm not exactly sure when exactly I became aware of DotAndBo.com, but I know I've been stalking their site for quite some time.  So, back in September I believe it was, I first contacted them to inquire about doing a review on my site.  It took a bit of time to actually get things in order, but in December, I was finally lucky enough to receive my review product!!

Eggscellent Rug:

Click Here to see on Dotandbo.com 

So, I had the opportunity to select I believe up to 3 items.  I'm going to be really honest, I had such a hard time narrowing my choices to just 3, I believe I ended up giving the poor Marketing person about 6 different items that I was dying to get my hands on.

So, I wasn't quite sure what would be arriving at my home when I received the email that my item had shipped!

Eggscellent Rug from dotandbo.com

The Eggscellent Rug from DotandBo.com is 2' x 3' long and this is my first ever NEW rug that I've ever had!  This rug is absolutely gorgeous!   I'm almost afraid to keep it put down.  The reason it has taken me so long to put my review up, is I like to take really gorgeous pictures and my bathroom is the only half way decent floor space that I had and I just wasn't pleased with how it looked (On MY end, nothing to do with the rug). 

Purchasing From DotandBo.com

Referral Credit:

So, one of the most AWESOME things about the Dotandbo.com site, is that when you sign up through a referral link, you receive a $20 credit and the person who referred you also receives a $20 credit!!  I finally spammed my Facebook with my referral link and was able to save up enough credits to make a really significant purchase!!

I am IN LOVE with this chair.  Unfortunately, there was some type of issue when DotandBo received my chair and it didn't meet their "Quality Control" standards and so I haven't actually received it as of yet (They are hoping maybe by February I should have it)

(One of the reasons I delayed my review, was I really had hoped to have live pictures of my rocking chair to show you guys, I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it comes in!  I'm so stinking excited about this chair!!!!  I'm hoping to make it my "YouTube" filming chair :)


So, the thing about DotandBo.com is that they work with several artists and different suppliers, which is why their site is so absolutely vast and filled with such a unique array of products.  The one downfall to this, is that there can be a delay in when a product will ship.  However, you will know around about when your product should ship.  It will tell you when your looking at the product when that particular item should ship.  I just wanted to notate this so that if you do go shopping on this site, you aren't shocked if you don't pay attention and then realize only later that it might be a month before your items ship!

My Christmas Purchases:

Lego Head and Chalkboard from DotandBo.com
Like I said previously, there are SO many items I want on this site, that I could easily spend about $20,000 and not blink twice.  They have such a fascinating selection of products, that it's hard to narrow down what you want!

After purchasing my chair, I found myself with a little of extra leftover and so I had my eye on this LegoHead for awhile!  It took maybe about a week to receive it after it shipped.  So, that's not TERRIBLE, but I suppose that it's a way for them to bring quality products at a fair price.  They price shipping based on the purchase price.

The items themselves were TOP notch!  So, I now have THREE items from DotandBo.com and I am overly pleased with them all!  The LegoHead was so much larger than what I had anticipated it to be!  It ended up being a gift for my 13 year old daughter and she LOVES it!
LegoHead from DotandBo.com

Ms. LegoHead even looks good with the lid off!  It really is a handy storage container!!  I know as of right now, the site is sold out, but you can click the "I want it" button and they will send you an alert when the item is back in stock (If they bring it back).

Click here to see on DotandBo.comMs. LegoHead on DotandBo.com


Overall, I am obsessed with the dotandbo.com site!  I mean, they have products ranging from gorgeous rugs to sofas!!  If it goes in your house, you can find it on the DotandBo.com site!!  Seriously!  They have EVERYTHING!!!  Just a couple points to remember:  You can get a $20 credit if you sign up through a referral link: dotandbo.com (My referral Link) !  (You cannot pay shipping costs with referral credits) SHIPPING:  Note the shipping dates when you are making your purchases!!! Share your own referral link to get more credits!!

One thing that I am disappointed in, is the shipping of my chair.  I had to seek out answers as to where my chair was.  It had been marked as shipped within two days of my purchase and yet, a week or so later the tracking wasn't updating and so I literally had to call and message them about five times before I finally was told that they had received the chair from the artist and it didnt' meet their standards and so they had sent it back to get me a new chair.  

I probably could easily put about a hundred items in my favorites!  Literally!  I have everything from a gorgeous set of dishes to little radios on my current favorites list!  

What's On Your Favs?

Have you shopped on dotanbo.com?  If you have, I'd love to hear what other's have purchased!!!

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