

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Giving Back: Sassy Grab Bag Giveaway!

Sassy Grab Bag Giveaway: Courtesy of SassyGalBeauty

Giveaway Alert

It's hard to believe just six months ago, I barely knew and understood what the crap a blog was!  Boy has time flown!  So many amazing things have happened with me and my blog and I've been extremely blessed and fortunate to have so many amazing opportunities, a lot that I've also been able to share with my readers!

I've amazingly picked up some pretty amazing loyal readers in this process which, is always such a blessing SERIOUSLY!  Everytime I get a comment on a post and it's not a "Giveaway" post, I am more than THRILLED that someone has taken the time to really read what I have to write!!

Giving Back!

Ok, so what you ALL want to know about is the GOODIES!  So, I have tons of stockpiles of fabulous products that I just know I'll never get to.  Instead of allowing them to sit around and go untouched, what better than to pass them along to someone who could use them!!

I've been amazingly blessed and so I really hope to be able to bless someone in turn.  Thanks of those who have been loyal to me throughout this whole blogging gig and for those who are new I hope you stick around!


** Please NOTE:  No other entity is a party to this giveaway. These are items that I, myself have collected during my "Beauty and Blogging" journey and am passing along to you.  Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, NOR Twitter is in anyway affiliated with this giveaway.


  1. We always donate to our local shelters!

  2. Awesome giveaway! :)

  3. We collect clothing and toys all year long and then at the end of the year we donate everything to a local women's shelter.

  4. We give by donating clothing and toys to shelters. It may not be much but I know someone is happy to have it that are without and starting after Christmas I will be volunteering for Habitat for humanity and 2 days a week at the local animal shelters.

  5. You and your daughter are the cutest sassy duo, and thank you for the giveaway.

  6. Your daughter is so cute!!

  7. Love this idea!!! Pay it forwards are always the best!

  8. i want this!!! oh my what an awesome giveaway! and i follow you on instagram and youtube and twitter but i had no idea you had a fb page until now! love your reviews and thanks for the chance and i hope you and your family have a great holiday!

  9. we always give to the food bank in our area, it is used alot lately
