

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Try The World: A Culinary Holiday World Adventure

Try the World:  Holiday Box Across the World Adventure

Take a Holiday Vacation Around the World:

Try the World:  The Holiday Box

A SassyHolidays Gift Idea
Part of the 2015 #HolidayGiftGuide
Try The World:  A Holiday Box
Try The World: Holiday Box

What it is??

Try the World is a Curated Subscription Service. 
(Basically it's a Culinary Adventure spanning the globe)

How Often do they Ship? 

Try the World is a bi-monthly service.  So, a yearly subscription will get you 6 boxes!

The Cost?

Buy a SINGLE Box:    $49.95
Pay Bi-Monthly:          $39.95
Pay Every Six Months:  $105
Pay Once a Year:           $198

Where to Buy:  
For Subscriptions:     TryTheWorld Subscriptions
Purchase a Gift:        Give the Gift of TryTheWorld
Checkout Items in the Try the World Shop:  Trytheworld Shop

The Holiday Box:  A Gourmet Tour Around the World

Looking for the perfect gift for the person who literally has everything?  Look no further than the Try the World Holiday Box!  It's like gifting them the "world" or at the very least a trip around the world.

I've had the pleasure of delighting in the culinary treasures from Try The World, and being a picky eater I've been impressed with how it's opened me up to new flavors I'd have never tried without Try The World.  

Note:  Spoilers Ahead....  Click "READ MORE" to view the rest of the Try the World: Holiday Box Review

At First Glance

At First Peek: A First Glance at Try the WOrld Holiday Box
At First Glance:  Try the World Holiday Box

Try the World: Holiday Box Culinary Guide

Try the World definitely is a great subscription service for thrill seekers.  It's not for the faint of heart. Sometimes, if your like me, you get in a "Culinary Rut".  It's hard to want to try new things or you just get so preoccupied with life, you forget to TASTE the food.

With Try the World, your getting a unique sampling of the finest culinary treats & condiments across the world.  It's fun, if not a tad weeny bit scary to close your eyes and take that first bite.

Unboxing Try the World Holiday Box (2015)

Prepare for your Global Taste Testing Adventure:

First Stop: Staying in North America,  Canada

Canada:  TrufflesThe first leg on our Global Tour is shockingly not far from home.  Once occupied by the French, Canadian's have deep roots and ties to their former sovereign state, France.  So, it should come as little surprise to discover that these tasty, melt in your mouth truffles were created by our upstairs neighbors in Canada.

Taste Test:  TWO huge thumbs up!  They didn't LOOK appealing to me at first, but once I put them in my mouth I was hooked (These didn't last the night, as I devoured them greedily all by myself).

Truffles in CocoaOpening the bag:  Truffles (Try the World)

Don't they look divine??  They certainly tasted divine!

Journey Across The Atlantic


Dried Berry Mix
Biokia:  Finland
Dried Mixed Berries
Instead of having to deal with security checks, long flights and a major case of Jet Lag; Make the trip across the Atlantic to Finland from the comfort of your home and delight in this tasty treat.

This culinary treat is created in Finland with fruits you've probably never even heard of:  Lingonberries & bilberries are among the berries harvested by Biokia.  They are ALL natural / organic, are sustainable grown and feature a traditional recipe. They freeze the berries to help them retain their natural flavor and are slowly dried soon after harvest, creating an explosion of flavor in each bite.

These are so unbelievably juicy and flavorful!!!

TASTE TEST:  2 Thumbs Up!

Sweden:  Nyakers Gingersnaps

Nyakers:  Sweden

Now we move just next door to Finland to travel to Sweden.

Here we have a treat that's traditional for the Swedish Christmas markets.

These Gingersnaps are perfectly paired with Mulled Wine

Taste Test:  Unknown

I'm not really a fan of Ginger, so these went to my stepdad!  


Now we travel south for a stop in Italy.  We know that the Italians love their food.  The Italians have birthed so many tasty delicacies over the centuries, foods like: Gelato, Espresso, Lasagna, Pastas are some of the culinary masterpieces they've graced the world with.  

This sweet bread loaf from Milan is also part of a longstanding tradition.  For the coming year, the head of the house will mark it with a cross to bring a good omen to the household. 

This is more than a snack, these sweet breads are created with an age-old time consuming process.

Taste Test:  eh....  I wasn't honestly wild about this, but I am a notoriously picky eater...

Tired Yet???

United Kingdom

United Kingdom:  Restorative Tea
Anyone who has ever read or been privy to UK television or books, shouldn't be surprised by the next stop on our journey.

Known for their "Tea-time", this stop gives us a time to sit back and relax and restore our juices so we can continue on our travels.

The Brits are definitely known for their obsession with tea.  The Ruby-Red Restorative Tea is a calming tea, perfect for a relaxing nightcap.

Taste Test:  Not Tested Yet


Now, we head south a bit to the continent of Africa to Morocco to indulge our senses.
The Moroccans celebrate the birth of the prophet Muhammad.  These celebrations bring families together.  These buttery cookies are perfect to share with your friends and family this holiday season.

Morocco:  Cookies

These reminded me of a shortbread cookie.They are a tad on the harder side, and as I don't have the best teeth, I decided to let my stepdad give them a try.

He absolutely loved them.  They have a buttery flavor!

Taste Test:  2 thumbs up!


From God's Promise Land:  Olive Oil from Israel
Olive Oil from God's Chosen Country: Israel
Now we take a bit of a detour as we head to Israel, also known as God's Promise Land.  With a constant battle over the ownership of Israel, Israel holds special meaning to many.

I can't tell you how excited I was that I now own a tiny piece of Israel, albeit in the form of Olive Oil.

Taste Test:  Not tried it yet, I'm preparing to save it for a special dinner

 Our Journey is Coming to an End...  But ONE more stop...


Finally, our flavorful journey has been fun, but now it's winding down.  As we head back to our home, we take one final detour.  Brazil is a place known for it's colorful culture.  

This Acai Sauce can be used for a range of dishes.  From a glaze for your turkey, to a tasty ice cream topping, the Acai sauce is a tasty addition to your favorite dish and has actual health benefits too!

What a delicious ending to our journey.

Taste Test:  um... This is another I've not yet tried...  BUT, I plan to for sure!!!  I can't wait to try it on maybe some salmon as a nice glaze.

 Souvenirs from our travels....

THe big Picture:  Try the World Holiday Box
I must say, it's been a delightful journey across the globe on this culinary adventure.  One of the best things about Try the World, is in learning about the cultures these delicacies come from.  I love tasting new treats and finding a new favorite food!  

The Try the World Box also always features a Cultural Guide.  It's filled with information about all the products featured in your box as well as extra tidbits of information about the cultures.  The Holiday Box Guide also features recipes for some of the products as well!!

Intensify The Try the World Cultural Experience

While your feasting on these culinary treasures, sit back and transport to the countries that gave birth to these culinary masterpeices.  The Holiday Box features a "Holiday Playlist" filled with songs from the countries that gave us these delightful treats.

Visit:  trytheworld.com/playlist to see what's on the Try the World Playlist from around the globe.

The Holiday Box:  The Guide

Are You Ready to Try the World?

Purchase your Holiday Box Here:

Where to Buy:  
For Subscriptions:     TryTheWorld Subscriptions
Purchase a Gift:        Give the Gift of TryTheWorld
Checkout Items in the Try the World Shop:  Trytheworld Shop

I wonder where the next journey will be?

Thanks for checking out my review of Try the World!!

Don't forget to check my Holiday Gift Guide for more great gift ideas for the holiday season!!
Visit the 2015 Holiday Gift Guide

**  I received this box for review purposes.  
However, ALL thoughts and opinions are 100% honest and my own.

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