

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Starlooks "LooksBook" Box: August Resort Edition Review


Starlooks LooksBook 

The Resort Edition
Starlooks Looksbook: August Resort Edition
First Ever Starlooks Looksbook: August - Resort Edition
**Disclosure:  This post contains Referral and/ or Affiliate Links**

Disclosure:  I received this box for review purposes.

Starlooks Looksbook


What is Looksbook?

Looksbook is a BRAND new MONTHLY subscription from the brand, Starlooks.  

The Cost:  $12/ recurring monthly

What you get: 
  • 3 "Perfect" Sized *New Beauty Products
  • A travel sized "book" to store your products in
  • Tips & Tutorials on how to apply the month's products
* I believe that every month, subscribers will be receiving at least one BRAND new, never before sold product (If not all three).

Wanna subscribe?  Subscribe to Starlooks Box 
**Choose between the Looksbook or the Custom Starbox
(To Learn more about Starlooks Custom Starbox, checkout my August reviewClick HERE

August Looksbook:  Resort Edition

First Look: August Resort Edition by Starlooks
First Look: August Resort Edition by Starlooks

This was Starlooks first ever Looksbook, so I was really excited to be among the first to try the new subscription service.  I've been thoroughly impressed so far with the products that I've tried from Starlooks.

The Goodies....

Starlooks Looksbook Resort Edition UNBOXED
Starlooks Looksbook Resort Edition UNBOXED

Jet Set- Lipstick

Starlooks Jet Set Lipstick
Starlooks Jet Set Lipstick

This is an absolutely gorgeous color.  It is a perfect shade for a "Resort" theme.  I prefer a bit brighter of shades because I'm so light skinned, so pale colors don't really look good on myself.  However, this would be great for a non - fussy look.

Ritz / Tropic Hightighter/ Blush Duo

Ritz / Tropic Highlighter/ Blush DUO
Ritz / Tropic Highlighter & Blush DUO
I am absolutely OBSESSED with highlighters.  I use probably three minimum when I do my makeup.  I use a couple of liquid ones and then usually a powder highlighter as well.  So, I'm always pleased to see a highlighter in a subscription service.  The blush is gorgeous as well, it's a really nice coral-ish color.  These were also again, perfect for the "Resort" theme.
Starlooks: Aqua Cream Shadow Stick
Aqua Cream Shadow

Aqua- Cream Shadow Stick

So, this is probably the only thing in the box (and out of all the other items I've received from Starlooks) that I just am not all that wild about.

The product itself is a nice one, however I just NEVER see myself wearing a sea green color on my eyes.  It's pretty, but I just don't think I could pull it off.

The shadow itself is a nice quality shadow.  I love cream shadows, but I prefer them to be in neutral tones because I find it easiest to apply with my fingers, yet I can't do detailing well with cream shadows.   That's why I need neutrals so I can just slab it on my whole eyelid.

Overall Thoughts

Overall, I'm really excited about the Looksbook subscription.  For just $12, it's a good price point for the items that you are receiving.  
Starlooks Looksbook Resort Edition for August
August: Starlooks Looksbook Resort Edition 

Subscribe to Starlooks

Like Looksbook?  Subscribe to Starlooks Looksbook today for just $12/ monthly:  Subscribe NOW

More Thoughts on Looksbook & Custom Starbox


For starters, I have to say that the packaging is really nice.  I really like the  way that it fits the products snuggly and includes a little book with tips.

It seems as if the Looksbook boxes will each have a theme, which is a really nice concept that I believe could work out well for Starlooks and their subscribers.


So, it is middle of September and I am just now receiving my Starlooks for August.  So, I would hope that they will try to get the timing of the deliveries (My box was delayed because my original box went to an old address) so that you get August in August, September in September and so on.  

I love the "Resort" edition, however it's the middle of September and even in Alabama it's starting to get chilly.  I'm thinking of Halloween decorations and this box is thinking of the ocean.  So, that's a small thing, but that's a huge concern that I see with the Looksbook themes and the timing of the deliveries.  However, this is a BRAND NEW service, so I hope that this problem will be remedied.

Custom VS Looksbook

I love both subscriptions.  However, there are some pros and cons with each service.  If you like them both so much you want them both, well at $12 each, it's definitely doable.

With each subscription, you receive three items.  So, no difference there.  However, it seems that with the Looksbook, we will see more innovative and exciting products delivered than with the Custom option (Pure speculation on my part).

The one thing is when you look at the value of the Custom versus the value of Looksbook it seems that the scales are way tipped to favor the Custom option.  This is because of the three bonus giftcards subscribers receive with their Custom box.  This can add a minimum of $60 more in products each month than with the Looksbook.

The giftcards really is the only way I see that there is one service that is better than the other.  They are both great subscriptions!!

OH, ONE Last thing...  

What is Perfect Size???

Starlooks calls their "Sample" sized products "Perfect Size".  They are supposed to be larger than normal "Deluxe" yet smaller than a full size.  The description says that they are about 3/4 the size of full sized items.  

In the picture below I did a comparison of a Full Sized (MAC), Perfect Size, and a Deluxe (UD sample) sized items.  

Size by Size: What is Perfect Size?
Starlooks "Perfect" Size VS The "Others"
It's really quite hard to compare the "Perfect" size and the UD Deluxe size.  The Starlooks "Perfect" appears to be taller, yet it does't seem to be as big around as the UD sample.  

I hope that this helps at least a little in trying to determine what their meaning of "Perfect" size is. 

That's ALL Folks

Thanks for checking out my review of August's Starlooks Looksbook Box.  I would love to hear from you.  Sometimes, I feel like I am talking to myself.  Is anyone out there?  If you are reading this, then you deserve a gold star for making it all the way to the bottom.

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