

Thursday, October 29, 2015

#SassyHolidaysKickOffGA: Kicking off the Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway

Checkout the #SassyHolidays #HolidayGiftGuide2015


Starting this Holiday Gift Guide with a Kiss....

Ok, ok I promise I'm not completely insane.  Only partially.  I realize that it's Halloween week, and

here I am hosting a Holiday Kick Off Giveaway.  However, I felt it was a fitting time for such a giveaway.

I've already posted a few fabulous gift ideas for this holiday season and there's still a TON more to come!  This is a giveaway, I'm hosting & sponsoring myself.  I will be providing the winner with their prize!  I just wanted to get this #HolidayGiftGuide2015 off to a great start!!!

Ok. Sooooooooooooooooooo what you really wanna know is, what it is your going to win???

#SassyGalBeauty #SassyHolidaysKickOffGA
(1) Winner will receive:  #BeautyBundleBox with some great brands (The brands that are featured in this giveaway are in no way hosting or sponsoring this giveaway!)

90% of my viewers are women between the ages of 18 - 34.  So, I know that this is going to be a giveaway the majority of the ladies will love, or I hope you will!

Now ONTO the Giveaway:

(Giveaway will begin 10/30/2015)
Please come back and see us, you hear??



  1. i LIKETHATTHE SCOOTER FOLDS UP SO EASILY .The lotion is my favorite product. I'm sorry my comments are so messed up. I get messed up going from going to one giveaway to another.

  2. I love the Vasanti Brush and the Death Valley dry shampoo I would looooove to try both of these products, the nicest brush I have is an 8 or old MAC eyeshadow brush but that baby still works! And I ordered a very cheap set of brushes off amazon and now I need to go read your to Dupe or not To Dupe. Blog lol so I can remind myself that just because am a new mama I can still buy myself things that cost more than $10 once in a while haha

    Oh and my user name is a mix of my name my son and his fathers it looks weird and I can't figure out how to change it.... But my name is Kristian :)

  3. I love the Vasanti Brush and the Death Valley dry shampoo I would looooove to try both of these products, the nicest brush I have is an 8 or old MAC eyeshadow brush but that baby still works! And I ordered a very cheap set of brushes off amazon and now I need to go read your to Dupe or not To Dupe. Blog lol so I can remind myself that just because am a new mama I can still buy myself things that cost more than $10 once in a while haha

    Oh and my user name is a mix of my name my son and his fathers it looks weird and I can't figure out how to change it.... But my name is Kristian :)

  4. I would have to say the fact that it is foldable is my favorite thing. Super cool!
