

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Texas Pete CHA! Like it Hot Giveaway AND Review Featuring Green Mountain Gringo

Please Note:  Texas Pete & Green Mountain Gringo KINDLY provided the ingredients.
(I was not compensated in any other way for this review)
CHA like it hot giveaway

Part of the SassyHolidays Gift Ideas: Edible

Green Mountain GringoTexas Pete CHA!

I absolutely have the most awesome job sometimes.  The folks at Texas Pete have just introduced their new CHA! sauce and I was one of the lucky folks chosen to try it!  (More on that in a little bit)...  When they contacted me, they asked if I'd be able to do a recipe and I have to say my mind went BLANK!  I'm not normally great at recipes....  However, we came up with a brilliant game plan, a cheese dip with their Hot Sauce and Cha! PLUS Green Mountain Gringo Salsa and Chips...

Texas Pete are known for their Hot Sauce and other line of fabulous sauces.  However, they recently launched a NEW sauce and one I have now fallen in love with, their new Sariacha sauce CHA!  Added to a chili or a dip this sauce is packs a punch of flavor!

Sassy CHA! HOT! Chili:

So, I don't know why, but sometimes my brain truly doesn't function at peak performance.  When I posted pictures of my Texas Pete goodies and mentioned to an old high school friend how I had been asked to come up with a recipe, she mentioned what about a Chili?  OH MY GOSH, How could I not think of this??  

Texas Pete Cha!So, I've never written a recipe before...  I'll be honest, it's really a hard task for me, as I'm from the south and we don't believe in measuring cups and such.  We live by the motto of "A little dash here, a dab of this and a touch of that"...  I can cook the same thing twenty times and it's going to taste good each time, but it might not always taste exactly the same...  So, I'm going to try my darndest to give some kind of guidelines....  :)

 The Secret To a GOOD Texas CHA Chili:  Layering the flavors....

A good chili is all about layering flavors and bringing the best out of each of the individual ingredients and then pulling it all together where it's like a flavorful explosion in your mouth.  This chili is so CHA! hot and so delish it'll make you wanna slap your momma.. (Please don't though...)

Ingredient List:

2-3 pounds Hamburger Meat
3 Cans Chili Beans (I also added White Chili Beans)
Ingredients for Texas Pete CHA! Chili
8 oz Tomato Sauce

8 oz Water
Garlic Powder
Chili Powder
Texas Pete Hot Sauce
Texas Pete Cha! Sauce
Oh and Some Olive Oil!!

 (Optional:  Onions)

Step One:

I just put a dash of Olive Oil in the bottom of what will be the Big Pot of Chili... Then, I go ahead and season it, I throw in some chili powder and some salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder along with some freshly chopped onions and begin to sautee them!


So, while your onions are starting to sautee and create a delish base in which to season your meat....

Now in a seperate pot, you start your chili beans...  Throw in all the beans into one pot sprinkle in as much Chili Powder as your family can handle, add a few shots of Texas Pete Hot Sauce and Texas Pete CHA! Chili Sauce.  Add some salt, pepper, and Onion and Garlic Powder as well...  Let it sit on a medium-low heat (Unless you got all day, then you can SIMMER this stuff and make these flavors pop EVEN more!)
Texas CHA! Chili


Sprinkle Salt into the ground beef

Add the BEEF...

Ok, now that your onions are JUST about translucent, you wanna add the beef (Or turkey if you prefer)....  Then of course you're going to add EVEN more chili, garlic, and onion powder to the mix!  You want to build these flavors!!!

I usually add a whole ton of Chili Powder (I like it spicy!).  You don't wanna be bashful with your spices!  

Seasoned Beef And You MIX it all together....  

So, after you've browned your meat and your beans are nice and soft you drain the grease from the meat (Greasy chili is NOT good chili!!)....

Add CHA!
Add Cha!


More CHA!

I recommend prior to actually pouring the beans in, going ahead and drizzling a tad more of that Texas Pete CHA! to the mix along with a couple of dashes of Texas Pete Hot Sauce!

Man It's Looking YUMMY...

So, by this point, you've mixed in the chili beans along with the browned beef....

Let Simmer:  Chili with Texas Pete Cha!Add Tomato Sauce & Water

Now is when we're going to make it an actual soup...  Now get your tomato sauce and pour it in, I suggest to use the same can as your tomato sauce or maybe a Chili Bean can to add some water to the mix (How much water is a personal preference, it's going to be quite juicy from the Bean mixture! Just be sure to add more spices the more water you add!!  You don't want it to be bland...

Repeat:  Add MORE Texas Pete CHA! and Hot Sauce PLUS more Chili Powder, Garlic and Onion Powder....

Let Simmer....

The ingredients have now been added and so you can either at this point, relax... OR you can work on a delicious Gringo / Cha Cheese Dip!

CHA Gringo Dip:


16 oz Block of Velveeta (Or 8 oz for half)
16 oz jar of Green Mountain Gringo Salsa
Texas Pete CHA!
Texas Pete Hot Sauce

served best with:
Green Mountain Gringo Chips


Melt Cheese and Salsa

For Added Spice:  
Add quite a few dashes of Texas Pete Hot Sauce
Add a couple drizzles of Texas Pete CHA!

Continuously stir to prevent cheese from scorching..... 

Once cheese has melted fully and is warm, removed from heat...

Serve Hot...

Sassy CHA Chili with Gringo CHA! Cheese Dip!

Now ENJOY!  Once you have completed all of the above steps, pat yourself on the back for a job well done.  (NOTE:  A Sassy Recommendation is to hide a bowl of chili for yourself, because if not your children will demolish the pot and leave you with no leftovers....)

Ok, I have always known chili was one of the best dishes I make.  It's just something I've done well (my momma taught me...), however this was handsdown THE BEST chili!!  I cooked close to THREE pounds of chili and used three bans of beans and when I went back tonight for a bowl all that was left was just barely enough to cover the surface of a teeny tiny bowl....

This stuff was finger lickin' good!  It had such a nice flavor.  I've never used Texas Pete Hot Sauce, let alone CHA! to my chili, but you can gurantee it will become a staple.  I will be cooking another batch tomorrow since I was left with NONE!!!

This is a sensational meal to make during the holidays, there's a lot of reasons why:

  • A little can go a long way!
  • Great for Christmas Parties
  • Great to Make and Freeze for BUSY times!!
  • Great for Leftovers
  • Versatile!

The cheese dip added with the Chili made such a delicious combination!   The chips were a tasty addition as well.  Trust me, this meal was a huge success in my house.  Not a drop is left just 24 hours later..... I'm already planning my next pot of chili for tomorrow!!

We made it a family night...  Eating our delicious chili and dip and playing a fun, new game!!!  Click Here to checkout my review  PLUS enter the Giveaway of "The Game Chef's" Rollick.  It made for a TRULY winning combination!

SassyHolidays Gift Idea:

Ok, So.... This may seem a bit of an odd gift idea.  However, there are a couple of reasons why I chose this for the Guide....

  #1 If you have a foodie in your life, they will LOVE the new Texas Pete Cha! Sriacha sauce (It is divine!!!) and added with a pretty platter this bundle truly does make a sensational gift idea....
 #2  I also put this in the Guide, because the holidays are SUCH a hectic time of the year that having these ingredients on hand to make some wonderful tasty, but EASY Peasy meals like chili, dip, tacos truly can come in handy when your so busy...  It leaves a lot of the meal planning at the wayside...  Don't bog yourself down with creating four star dinner's for your family this holiday season, but add some items that are quick and easy AND ALSO popular and tasty!!  They will love you for it and you will love the extra time to SHOP!


Alright y'all I know y'all really only care about this giveaway!  Here you go!!  One lucky winner will receive the CHA! / Gringo Bundle!!!

Texas Pete / Green Mountain Gringo Snack Pack


  1. Hope I win!!!

  2. Anastasia RutherfordNovember 15, 2014 at 9:12 PM

    My husband would love this

  3. Great job Jessica! You made me hungry! Lol!

  4. This would be great to give to my hubby!

  5. Would love to try this out!

  6. Give me the chili! :D

  7. Great tutorial!

  8. My husband would LOVE this for Christmas! Thanks! :)

  9. My husband loves, loves, LOVES Texas Pete! I would be so happy to give him this for a gift! Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone!

  10. I would love to try this I love Texas Pete hot sauce.
