

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bella Eleganze: Detangling Brush & Tweezers

Bella Eleganze: A Trio of Beauty Tools
Bella Eleganze: Detangler Brush, Fiber Lashes, Tweezers
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Dangler: Detangler Brush

$9.99 with Amazon Prime

Dtangler: Bella EleganzeMy daughter has hair that will make any mother want to pull their own hair out by fistfuls.   I mean one summer she reminded me of one of those cartoon characters where the kid's hair is so tangled and there is a swarm of flies flying around their head...  Her hair literally takes hours sometimes to get untangled and run a brush through it.  It was so bad that I honestly came EXTREMELY close to just shaving it all off.

A detangling brush would have been a heaven send during those days.  It still gets bad, but nowhere near as bad as it once was.  So, I was thrilled with the opportunity to get the chance to try out this Detangling brush from the folks at Bella Eleganze, I had already tried their Fiber Lashes and had been impressed with the quality of that product, so I was certain I'd be happy with this brush.

Dtangler: Bella Eleganze BrushIt definitely did not disappoint.  It's a nice and sturdy brush and I love the design of it as well as the bright pink color.  I'm not any kind of expert, so I'm not even going to attempt to pretend that I can understand the dynamics of what makes a "Detangler Brush" work, but I know that my daughter when using this brush, doesn't seem to get anywhere near the tangles she used to.

Callie loves the Bella Eleganze Dtangler

Tweezers: Bella Eleganze


Ok, so I feel like a goof ball.  I have been in the process of moving, or rather looking for a home and so my house is somewhat like an Amazon Mini Warehouse, it's become an abyss for Amazon products to just pile up...  One of the latest victims of being lost in the abyss of my home are the Bella Eleganze Tweezers.  So, I can't provide detailed images of these tweezers.

However, I can tell you that these tweezers are fabulous.  I used to think that a pair of tweezers were just whatever, that there weren't one set that was any better than the next. However, since really using tweezers more often here lately and trying to keep my eyebrows nice and neat and not waiting until they are super long to tweeze them, I have realize that truly there are some tweezers that are better designed for the job than others.

The way that the Bella Eleganze tweezers are designed, they have very pointed ends and so they really can get little hairs better than a more rounded designed tweezer can.  I really prefer tweezers designed like these versus the rounded or softer tipped ones.

Fiber Lashes

Trying out Bella EleganzeOk, so if you are a part of social media, then you have most likely seen ads for "Fiber Lashes", they are called by some people "Spidey Lashes", because they have some serious power to lengthen your lashes.  Some people choose to use them to their very limit and stretch their lashes to a super maximum length.  However, don't let those images scare you and make you think that by using Fiber Lashes you are automatically going to achieve this most unnatural look.

I was lucky and managed to snag these for a great price several months ago, and I truly love them. I have tried several brands, including the company that originally came out with "Fiber Lashes" and I can tell you that the Bella Eleganze are just as great as the "Big Brand" fiber lashes are.

Like with other things, it's all in how you use the product that's going to make the difference.  I, myself, don't have very long lashes to begin with, and I just really stink at using "Falsies".  I just am not coordinated enough to be able to use false lashes and so a product like fiber lashes are perfect for me!!

More Images Using Bella Eleganze Fiber Lashes

Looking UP: Using Bella Eleganze Fiber Lashes

Bella Eleganze Fiber Lashes


Long story short.  Overall, I'm impressed with the quality of the products that I've had the chance to try made by Bella Eleganze.  They all are top notch, high quality products that help enhance your natural beauty.  For now, Bella Eleganze only have three products.  I can't wait until they grow their brand and add more products to their catalog.

***  Please Note:  One or more of the products mentioned were given to me in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions and thoughts expressed here are my own.***

To Checkout my video showing how to use Fiber Lashes, please checkout my YouTube video:

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