

Friday, November 7, 2014

NerdBlock Original: October Review a SassyHolidays Gift Idea

Holiday Gift Ideas: Fit For a King

Almost Adults:  Gift Ideas

NerdBlock:  Original

A SassyHolidays Gift Idea:  Teens & Men

NerdBlock Original:  October Review

So, the folks at NerdBlock kindly sent me this box for review!

What is NerdBlock Original??

NerdBlock is a subscription service.  They have several different type options in which you can choose....  The cost is just $19.95/ monthly ( Plus $10 shipping - this is a Canadian service)  This service is geared to the comic book or video obsessed fan in your life!  It's a box of toys!  It usually, I believe has a t-shirt in each box!  So, that alone is like $20 of your box!!!  But it comes with so much more!!

Ok, this is a box that I literally had been waiting on for at least a month, probably longer!  And let me tell you, it was SO worth the wait!  This is one box of awesomeness.  I'm not a HUGE comic booker or video gamer, but even I can appreciate the coolness and fun that is this box....

NOTE:  I apologize, this review has been delayed for over a week, I have been under the weather and am HORRIBLY behind on everything!  It also has caused my children to take off with a few of the items, and rendered me without a few of the individual pics...  I apologize!!!  DEEPLY

These items are shipped from Canada... And the label on the FRONT of the box has all the items and the value as reported to Customs...  So, it's hard to calculate a value on these...  

Zelda Dangler

 Zelda Danglers...

(In my video I keep calling this a dinger...)
I am going to be honest... No clue which character this is... I am very familiar with the Zelda of the nineties....  But, not so much of the 2014 age....  However, this is a super cute item, I'm guessing you could put it on your cell phone or wherever else you might could loop it!  So cute!!!

Arkham Asylum: Patient Notes

Arkham Asylum: Patient Notes

This has to be hands down my favorite item in the whole box!  It is so absolutely adorable... No clue what Arkham Asylum is...  But, this little Patient Notes note book that has post it notes inside is not only SUPER DUPER cute, but it is so absolutely practical AND functional!  It is the perfect accessory for any GEEK or NERD...  I think it's easy to say that this is GEEK approved!

I think this is an item anyone would be happy to receive!  

Arkham Asylum:  Patient Notes (Inside)
I think that this is a great item for anyone, but especially students!  The little marker strips are great for marking pages!!


Who doesn't LOVE stickers??  I mean, they are so much fun...  Unless of course, your three year old or five year old who likes to get them and stick them to inappropriate places......   Luckily for me, I am well past that with my kids...  I have other issues...  

But for the most part, stickers are so fun and these stickers in particular are so freaking awesome!  You have Mario and Luigi dressed like, I don' tknow what, and the Lego People and then the other stickers in which I have no clue what they are....  But, they sure are CUTE....  And they each seem to have been designed by a unqiue artist!  So, I really LOVE that!  The back of this sheet says Metro...  Maybe someone knows what that means and if that's important... Could absolutely NOT be important, but I felt I should put it out there....

Agent Coulson's Vintage Captain America: Trading Cards

Ok...  So these seem to be absolutely gorgeous.. I've not opened the pack, because I'm honestly hanging onto them to use as part of a gift I'll put together for one of my nephews!

The front card though, is stunning!  It truly is a work of art!

AND I KNOW who Agent Coulson is, I feel I need a pack on the back right about now...  I feel almost cool!  

Items NOT pictured....

NerdBlock Original: October Review

SuperHero Buttons:

Super cute little Batman, Superman, Captain America and I forget the other....  These were really cute... and I'm hoping that they are just misplaced, because I had them set aside to use as a gift!  LOVE it...

FUNKO:  Deadpool Bobble Head

This was worth the whole box to me!  Love these Funko things, I got UBER excited when I thought it was Freddie Krueger, but I'm cool with DeadPool, although I've no clue who or what DeadPool is...  Don't Judge Me....

T-Shirt that CONFUSES ME....

Ok, so there was a cute T-shirt that on the FRONT of the box said it was a Captain America shirt.... Upon further inspection, that has been called into question....  As it seems more like Robin and someone....  But, still cute... This, my daughter has claimed which means I'll be lucky to see it again before her twenty-first birthday... Or well, realisticaly her 18th when she goes off to college...

In Conclusion....

This is really an awesome box....  Even figuring in the $10 you pay for shipping, I feel that you more than get your money's worth!  There were what, seven items?? One was a tshirt and then a FUNKO !  Those two items to me make the box....  Everything else is just extra toppings....

I picked this as a Gift Idea, because it's PERFECT, whether you purchase a ONE month subscription or a year subscription, whomever you purchase this box or one of their other fabulous choices (Original, Arcade, Horror OR Jr For girls OR boys!)...  It's just a box of FAB goodies!  Where else can you throw down $30 and get this much fun for that price!  And QUALITY items at that!!!


Still wanna see more??? Checkout my Unboxing!!

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