

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

HelloFlo: A Starter Kit for Them NOT So Fun Times... GIVEAWAY

This Post Contains Affiliate Links

HelloFlo Starter Kit

on Amazon

HelloFlo: A Starter Kit for Girls

So, let's just go ahead and say it... It STINKS to be a girl sometimes.  And when you're about 10 or 11 or whatever age you are when "Aunt Flo" comes to visit, then you REALLY find out just how bad it DOES stink to be a girl! (No Pun Intended)

Just the Facts:

HelloFlo Starter KitSo, the HelloFlo Starter Kit is intended for girls who are going through puberty.  It contains information pamphlets for both parents and their daughter's to get them through this normal, but definitely awkward stage!

In addition to the learning pamphlets, you'll find "Must Have" items for "that time of month", including: Pads, panty liners, hair ties, chocolate!!! among some other fun items!!

 Sassy Thoughts:

Callie receiving her "HelloFlo" Kit!
My daughter was STOKED with her box!
So, I LOVED this box and the idea of this box.  My daughter is thirteen, and so we've already gone through this stage for awhile now.  However, it was still a neat thing to be able to give to my daughter.  She took the information kit and actually read it.  She definitely appreciated the pads and the panty liners!

However, she wasn't too crazy about the little bag that had the "HelloFlo" emblazoned across the front!!  Other than that little thing, this really is a super idea for young girls!  It definitely helps to get the conversation going and provides a fun thing to look forward to, instead of the dread !!  It's kinda like a reward for a natural thing that life throws at you!

HelloFlo:  A Puberty Kit for your Daughter
She looks happy, doesn't she??


Want to win your own HelloFlo Starter Kit for yourself or your daughter??  Now's your chance!

HelloFlo Starter Kit

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. :) Totally want to give this to my niece she's almost there for that time!

  2. I'd love to share this with my nieces
